Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Back on the map again

Good afternoon, all. Or at least the 5-6 people that read this. Since only one person leaves comments, I have to rely on disguntled e-mails that I need to post something. It has come to my attention that I have neglected my duties as a blogger. Please accept my apologies. In my defense, we have been a touch busy in this house. Since April 13, we have had the following:

16 soccer practices
5 tee ball practices
14 tee ball and soccer games
2 Brownie troop trips
4 Brownie meetings
1 trip to Chapel Hill (not for pleasure)
1 trip to Wilmington (Abbey field trip)
1 meeting at Maggie's school
The company Cathy works for had layoffs (she was not included in the layoffs)
Countless school projects for Abbey

For those of you who could care less about the above, here's a story for ya.

Conner found some change on Cathy's dresser yesterday and placed it in a small plastic box. He was very proud of his money and was showing it off to anyone who would look. Conner and I went over to see Carlo (our neighbor) later in the afternoon. Conner showed his box to Carlo. This was the exchange.

Conner: Look, Carlo.
Carlo: That's cool. Are you collecting money?
Conner: Yes.
Carlo: Well, here is a dollar for the collection.
Conner: Thanks.
Carlo: What are you collecting money for?
Conner: Me.
Carlo: What the heck? I thought you were collecting money for something important.
Conner: Nope, I just want money.


Kim said...

'bout time you got off your duff and posted something. People in the office have been bugging me about needing a new post--so you do have a fan club outside the family.

Anonymous said...

Sam Cashwell: Carlo! You don't give a 4 year old money!